partner, attorney-at-law (adwokat)
+48 539 946 513
  • transactions, M&A (mergers, divisions, transformations, restructurings),
  • companies, corporate and tax advice, including administrative regulations relating to companies and other organisational units (including those with participation of the State Treasury or local government units),
  • disputes and proceedings (civil, administrative, tax, customs and fiscal, administrative court, penal fiscal),
  • agreements

He has extensive professional experience in the area of transactions both on the buyers’ and sellers’ side, as well as in the preparation of the object of the transaction. He also advises company management boards, supervisory boards and shareholders on, inter alia: matters subject to disputes between company bodies or shareholders. He also specialises in the structuring, negotiation, interpretation and execution of agreements (with particular emphasis on transaction-related agreements, IAs, SHAs, investment agreements, including line investments, IT agreements). He represents Clients in disputes that are significant to them. He is a long-standing advisor to supervisory boards of companies, including public companies and companies with participation of public entities, and has performed the function of a member of supervisory board.


  • Assistant Professor at Wyższa Szkoła Umiejętności Społecznych in Poznań, where he lectures on commercial and civil law,
  • lecturer on commercial law at SWPS University,
  • member of the Wielkopolska Bar Association


2015 | obtaining the degree of Doctor of Laws on the basis of a doctoral thesis titled “Universal public-law (administrative and tax) succession in transformations, mergers and divisions of companies”;

2012 | completion of postgraduate studies “Taxes and Treasury” at the University of Economics in Poznań;

2012 | obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (adwokat);

2011 | completion of doctoral studies at the Department of Administrative Law and Science at the the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań;

2009 | obtaining the title of attorney-at-law (radca prawny);

2008 | completion of judicial training;

2005 | completion of the Master’s degree in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Master of Laws, Master’s thesis: “Object of pledge”;


  1. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Entrusting municipal companies with administrative authority by local government units – selected issues, publication for the jubilee book dedicated to Prof. Krystian Ziemski to be published in 2022.
  2. Krystian Ziemski, Dr. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Influence of administrative-legal regulations relating to singular succession on the legal consequences in terms of universal administrative-legal succession on the example of succession defined in the Code of Commercial Companies, publication for the jubilee book dedicated to Prof. Andrzej Kidyba, 2020.
  3. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Universal public-law (administrative and tax) succession in mergers, transformations and divisions of companies, monography, 2016.
  4. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Ways of carrying out a debt-for-share conversion – tax consequences, Tax Review May 2016.
  5. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Evolution of the legislator’s position on legal succession in public law, Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny i Socjologiczny 2014, vol. 4.
  6. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Czesław Żaba, Ryszard Żaba, Magdalena Czarnecka-Operacz: Legal issues related to HIV and AIDS infection. Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii 2009; XXVI, 3: 150-154.
  7. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Czesław Żaba, Ryszard Żaba, Magdalena Czarnecka-Operacz: Personal data protection in connection with health care activities. Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii 2009; XXVI, 3: 146-149.
  8. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Czesław Żaba, Ryszard Żaba, Magdalena Czarnecka-Operacz: Physician – a public official? Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii 2009; XXVII, 2: 119-121.
  9. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Czesław Żaba, Ryszard Żaba, Magdalena Czarnecka-Operacz. New legal regulations on occupational diseases. Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii 2010; XXVII, 2: 122-125.
  10. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Oliwia Jakubowicz, Ryszard Żaba – Occupational skin diseases. [in:] Psychologiczne i medyczne aspekty chorób skóry. T. Rzepa, R. Żaba, J. Szepietowski (eds.). Cornetis Publishing House, Wrocław 2011: 237-242.

Other publications:

  1. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, What changes come into force in the Code of Commercial Companies in 2020, Forbes, 28 January 2020.
  2. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, What rights does a shareholder have in a simple joint-stock company?, Forbes, 22 November 2019.
  3. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, A simple joint-stock company. What can be contributed, Forbes, 30 October 2019.
  4. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, A simple joint-stock company – how to establish one, Forbes, 15 October 2019.
  5. Jędrzej Jakubowicz and Anna Adamek, An in-kind contribution of a trade mark protection right, Puls Biznesu, 6 June 2019.
  6. Jędrzej Jakubowicz and Anna Adamek, Trade mark protection right, Puls Biznesu, 29 May 2019.
  7. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Government’s whip for rogue companies? What is at stake in the ministry of justice draft, Forbes, 11 January 2019, https://www.forbes.pl/opinie/rzadowy-projekt-ustawy-o-odpowiedzialnosci-podmiotow-zbiorowych-jakie-zmiany/rq7b79p
  8. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Collective entity defence against liability for criminal acts, Rzeczpospolita, 5 November 2018.
  9. Jędrzej Jakubowicz and Paweł Mazur, Transferring a foreign company to Poland, eGospodarka, 9 November 2018.
  10. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, A way to seal the VAT system, CXO of 17 October 2016.
  11. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Shareholder proxy at AGM, Puls Biznesu, 2 June 2016.
  12. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Construction on foreign land is a new fixed asset, Puls Biznesu, 24 March 2016.
  13. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Recovering contributions before a company is liquidated, Puls Biznesu, 15 February 2016.
  14. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Real estate without complications, Puls Biznesu, 11 February 2016.
  15. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, co-author (with Jakub Kozak, Kalikst Nagel, Paulina Ciesielska, Joanna Basińska, Włodzimierz Głowacki), of the article: The court has adjudicated, the county must pay, and public finance discipline cannot be breached, Dziennik Gazeta Prawna of 18 November 2015, C4-C5.
  16. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, commentary on the judgment of the Voivodship Administrative Court in Warsaw (III SA/WA 3225/14) regarding the emergence of a VAT obligation in relation to IT Agreements included in the article: Services performed – not immediately taxed, Puls Biznesu, 20 October 2015.
  17. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Shareholders should think about an additional agreement, Prawo i Podatki, October 2015.
  18. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, statement to the article: Companies are returning from tax havens, Rzeczpospolita, 26 May 2015.
  19. Łukasz Wojtkowiak, Jędrzej Jakubowicz. When you have to pay tax on retained profit. Rzeczpospolita 2010; 1713/187: df 4-5.
  20. Jędrzej Jakubowicz. How to defend yourself against a dishonest partner. Rzeczpospolita of 25 October 2010: D10.
  21. Jędrzej Jakubowicz, Marcin Berlak. Online currency trading not only for exchange offices. Gazeta Prawna of 01 October 2010.
Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
partner, attorney-at-law (adwokat)
+48 509 691 139
  • disputes and proceedings (civil, criminal, customs and fiscal, penal fiscal, administrative court),
  • companies, corporate and tax advice, including administrative regulations relating to companies and other organisational units (including those with participation of the State Treasury or local government units),
  • agreements,
  • transactions, M&A (mergers, divisions, transformations, restructuring)

He specialises in civil law disputes. He has extensive experience in disputes between company bodies and shareholders, as well as in commercial matters (including economic crimes). In addition, he has extensive practice in structuring, negotiating, interpreting and execution of agreements (with particular emphasis on investment, sponsorship, IT and travel services agreements). He represents Clients at all stages of a dispute, and pays particular attention to disputes arising from bank agreements, including those establishing collateral.


  • preparation and implementation of a cross-border merger of companies in the construction sector;
  • drafting and implementing documentation for a Polish travel agency;
  • conducting several hundred disputes against banks;


2020 | obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (adwokat);

2019 | completion of the attorney’s apprenticeship;

2015 | completion of the Master’s degree in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Master of law, Master’s thesis: “So-called sports cheating as a crime of fraud”;


Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
+48 690 996 398
  • companies; business consultancy,
  • disputes and negotiations,
  • verification of companies (solvency, capital ties, collateral, assets,
  • supervisory boards (consulting, acting as a supervisory body)

Has extensive experience in receivables management. Practitioner in the financial industry since 2008. He provides consultancy to company management boards, supervisory boards. Since 2017, he has been advising supervisory boards and also performs a function of a member of the supervisory board. In his day-to-day practice, he focuses on business consulting – from asset investigation, negotiation, to difficult debt enforcement processes. Based on his experience, he successfully supports the development of law firms. He helps to understand the world of business, multinational corporations, through interviews with entrepreneurs, specialists on the programme “Wywiadownia Gospodarcza”.


  • business consulting for multinational corporations and companies;
  • member of the supervisory board;
  • speaker for Puls Biznesu;
  • expert on debt recovery for Wolters Kluwer Polska publishing house;
  • chairman of the audit committee of the Polskie Stowarzyszenie Licencjonowanych Detektywów (Polish Association of Licensed Detectives);
  • host of the programme “Wywiadownia Gospodarcza” with international guests.


2016 | completion of post-graduate studies in law at the University of Warsaw, Faculty of Law and Administration in Warsaw, post-graduate thesis:
“Liability of management board members of capital companies”;

2015 | completion of the Master’s degree in Management at the Warsaw School of Economics, Master of Arts, Master’s thesis: “Insurance contractual guarantees on the example of TU Euler Hermes S.A. guarantees”;

2012 | completion of a Bachelor’s degree in International Relations with a specialisation in International Business from the Poznań School of Banking, Bachelor’s thesis: “Receivables management system – Debt collection”;


  1. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Eska Rock in the programme Drogowskazy: on the growing debts of Poles and the draft act on debt collection activities and the debt collector profession, 28 October 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q-FkuOfJ3Fc
  2. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Business newseria, a revolution in debt collection. What lies ahead for the industry? 27 October 2022, https://biznes.newseria.pl/biuro-prasowe/prawo/rewolucja-w-windykacji-co,b1096823994
  3. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Gazeta Finansowa, Watch carefully and react early, 19 October 2022, http://gf24.pl/34008/wojciech-wegrzynski-uwaznie-obserwowac-i-szybko-reagowac/
  4. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Super Biznes, The debt collection revolution. What lies ahead for debtors and debt collectors, 19 October 2022, https://superbiz.se.pl/wiadomosci/rewolucja-w-windykacji-co-czeka-zadluzonych-i-windykatorow-aa-NXnp-fP1F-8gn6.html
  5. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Prawo eGospodarka, Debt Collection Act. What lies ahead for the industry, 18 October 2022, https://www.prawo.egospodarka.pl/178353,Ustawa-o-windykacji-Co-czeka-branze,1,92,1.html
  6. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Interia Biznes, What can and cannot a debt collector do? There will be new regulations. “Some raise serious questions”. 15 October 2022 https://biznes.interia.pl/raporty/raport-rozmowy-interii/aktualnosci/news-co-windykator-moze-a-czego-nie-beda-nowe-przepisy-czesc-budz,nId,6341218
  7. Wojciech Węgrzyński, radio Elbląg, Who is a professional debtor? 2 October 2022, https://www.radioelblag.pl/podcasty/item/172-kim-jest-zawodowy-dluznik
  8. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Polskie radio Kierowców, Saving in times of inflation, 30 September 2022, podcast from 0:46 minutes https://radiokierowcow.pl/artykul/3044775
  9. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Biznes newseria, How do you recognise a professional debtor? 26 September 2022, https://biznes.newseria.pl/biuro-prasowe/kim-jest-zawodowy-duznik,b851503124
  10. Wojciech Węgrzyński, mBrokers, Who is a professional debtor? How do you guard against and protect yourself so that you don’t run into such people on your business journey? 16 September 2022, http://mbrokers.pl/prawo/kim-jest-zawodowy-dluznik/
  11. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Trading in practice, Debtors on holiday, I’ll pay tomorrow! The most common excuses of debtors, 20 July 2022, http://handelwpraktyce.pl/dluznicy-na-wakacjach-dzien-dobry-zaplace-jutro-najczestsze-wymowki-zadluzonych/
  12. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Biznes24 Television, How to deal with debtors? 15 July 2022, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4yXkwSjJWo&t=14s
  13. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Radio Plus, Debt collector – a debtor’s best friend, 13 July 2022, https://www.radioplus.pl/warszawa/windykator-najlepszym-przyjacielem-dluznika-aa-AG55-YfsA-ZGRC.html
  14. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Nowe Radio, How do you secure your business to avoid using debt collection companies? 24 June 2022, https://youtu.be/Z-tkhYqy2Do
  15. Wojciech Węgrzyński, TVP3, Is a debt collector a bailiff? 15 June 2022, https://youtu.be/AruDllNI9L8
  16. Wojciech Węgrzyński, Interia Biznes, Trust, but always check! 28 May 2022, https://biznes.interia.pl/raporty/raport-rozmowy-interii/aktualnosci/news-wojciech-wegrzynski-trenda-group-ufaj-ale-zawsze-sprawdzaj,nId,6053768
Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
attorney-at-law (radca prawny)
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • data protection law, information security,
  • intellectual property law, combating unfair competition,
  • legal aspects of AI (artificial intelligence),
  • law of marketing, advertising, e-commerce,
  • compliance

Experienced legal advisor, Data Protection Inspector, auditor and trainer cooperating in the past with leading Polish and international law firms. He specialises in personal data protection law, compliance, intellectual property law and e-commerce. He has advised in these areas to leading entities in, among others, the retail, pharmaceutical, medical, sports, hotel, banking, cosmetics, automotive, as well as IT sectors. He has conducted over 100 training courses in the area of personal data protection and information security.

He is currently responsible for the compliance area in the CEE region in an international retail company.

Member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and the Stowarzyszenie Praktyków Ochrony Danych (Society of Data Protection Practitioners) (SPOD). He holds the certificates Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) and Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) and is also a certified internal auditor of the ISO 27001 standard. Regular speaker at the most important conferences in the field of personal data protection.


  • acting as DPO for leading entities in the i.a. pharmaceutical, hospitality, banking, and IT industries;
  • providing legal services to a leading bakery manufacturer in copyright and unfair competition disputes;
  • advising at the junction of data protection law and intellectual property law in projects concerning the use of artificial intelligence in medicine; Coordinating the work of a team of several lawyers;
  • drafting and negotiating agreements related to the processing of personal data, including cross-border agreements;
  • conducting risk assessments and Data Protection Impact Assessments (DPIAs);
  • conducting several hundred Transfer Impact Assessments – investigating the compliance of data transfers to third countries in line with the standards of the Schrems II judgment


2022 | obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (radca prawny), obtaining the Certified Information Privacy Manager (CIPM) certificate;

2020 | obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (adwokat);

2019 | completion of the attorney’s apprenticeship;

2018 | completion of the postgraduate studies in the area of personal data protection at the Leon Koźmiński Academy;
obtaining the Certified Information Privacy Professional/Europe (CIPP/E) certificate;

2015 | completion of the Master’s degree in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the University of Warsaw, Master of Laws, Master’s thesis:
“Actions for wrongful birth, wrongful life and wrongful conception in the Polish legal system.”


  1. Piotr Wenski “Reflections on standards of pastoral care in Polish hospitals. Observations against the background of the Supreme Court ruling of 20 September 2013”. Prawo i Medycyna 1 (2015),
  2. Piotr Wenski “Processing of personal data in clinical trials”. ODO Magazine, No. 21 (2022).
Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
attorney-at-law (radca prawny)
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • commercial companies law, VC transactions, M&A (mergers, divisions, transformations),
  • corporate consulting, implementation of procedures in accordance with the corporate governance principles,
  • privacy law,
  • compliance, ESG,

He gained his legal experience working in law firms and a software development company.

As an in-house lawyer, he is responsible for, among others, proper functioning of the company’s bodies, corporate governance and foreign markets expansion. He cooperates with the sales department in negotiation of IT contracts, both through direct participation in meetings with clients or company partners and through ongoing legal analysis of contractors’ expectations.

He has extensive practice in advising and providing legal assistance to businesses consisting of ad hoc substantive legal support, reviewing and negotiating contracts, drafting legal opinions. He participated in due diligence processes of companies in the fields of corporate law, copyright law and key agreements.


  • 07.2016 – 09.2019 – lawyer, trainee attorney-at-law at KANCELARIA PRAWNICZA GŁOWACKI I WSPÓLNICY (GWLEX);
  • 10.2019 – currently – attorney-at-law (radca prawny) / ESG manager at STX NEXT S.A.
  • 09.2022 – currently – member of Poznań Bar Association


2022 | obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (radca prawny);

2021 | completion of the postgraduate studies “Corporate Governance Risk and Compliance Management” at the Warsaw School of Economics, diploma thesis:
„Corporate governance, risk and compliance management in an IT company – case study”;

2021 | completion of the attorney’s apprenticeship;

2018 | completion of the Master’s degree in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Master of Laws, Master’s thesis:
“Liability for damages in a capital company vs. business judgment rule”;


  1. Paweł Dudko, Enforcement proceedings against former partners of partnerships – changes to the Code of Civil Procedure, eGospodarka, 26 February 2019.
  2. Paweł Dudko, Firstly – do not harm, secondly – know your rights, Legal workshops for doctors/members of ITI Study Club Poznan, 26 October 2019.
  3. Paweł Dudko, Michał Jackowski, Software Development Contract Standards – Webinar by STX Next, 29 April 2020.
  4. Paweł Dudko, Paweł Dymek, Obligations under the AI (artificial intelligence) regulation, IT Professional, July-August 2022 issue of the monthly magazine.
  5. Paweł Dudko, Paweł Dymek, Personal data processing in capital groups, IT Professional, February 2023 issue of the monthly magazine.
  6. Paweł Dudko, Paweł Dymek, Marketing compliant with law, March 2023 issue of the monthly magazine.
Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
attorney-at-law (adwokat)
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • economic crime
  • disputes and proceedings (criminal law, criminal and fiscal law, civil law),
  • sports law
  • family law

She specialises in advising on broadly understood criminal law and criminal fiscal law, in particular with regard to matters related to economic crime. He represents commercial law companies and the managerial staff in the conducted proceedings, both as a proxy of aggrieved entities and as a defender. She has participated in proceedings concerning mismanagement of the management board, crimes against creditors (obstructing the pursuit of claims, diversion of assets, fictitious transactions and bankruptcy), bank fraud. He advises in crisis situations, such as arrests, searches, investigative activities. In addition, she has many years of experience in legal matters relating to assets covered by statutory joint ownership (including marital property), in particular those intended for business activity (this subject includes division of assets and divorces).


  • several hundred proceedings in criminal and civil cases, including proceedings against banks
  • representation of Clients before the Football Arbitration Court of the PZPN


2018: obtaining the title of an attorney-at-law (adwokat);
2017: completion of the attorney’s apprenticeship;
2013: Completion of master’s studies in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, master’s degree in law, master’s thesis: “Necessary defense in Polish criminal law”;

Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
attorney-at-law (radca prawny)
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • corporate law, comprehensive services for entrepreneurs;
  • court disputes (civil, including proceedings in CHF and economic cases);
  • contract law;
  • personal data protection;
  • legal aspects of WEB3.


  • Representation before courts and public administration authorities;
  • Drafting and negotiating commercial contracts, including investment, financing (including LMA standard), and IT;
  • Comprehensive corporate services for companies, including compliance and implementation of the GDPR in the organization;


2018 | Obtaining the title of legal adviser;
2017 | Completion of legal counsel training;
2013 | Completion of master’s studies in law at the Faculty of Law and Administration of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, master’s degree in law, master’s thesis: “Failed attempt in Polish criminal law”;

Expand experience and publications Collapse experience and publications
attorney-at-law (radca prawny)
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • transactions, M&A (mergers, divisions, transformations, restructurings),
  • conducting proceedings to introduce companies to the stock exchange market,
  • advice on fulfilling stock exchange obligations,
  • servicing alternative investment funds,
  • drawing up and giving opinions on economic contracts,
  • real estate transactions.

He has over six years of experience in providing corporate services to companies and economic transactions. His practice includes cooperation with private equity funds, alternative investment companies and capital companies. Certified Advisor to the Alternative Trading System operated by the Warsaw Stock Exchange (certificate no. 3/2021). He dealt with the introduction of companies to trading on the NewConnect market, and then supervised the fulfillment of their disclosure obligations.


Gained experience in leading law firms in Poznań, and then in investment funds and a brokerage house, internal auditor of the Brokerage House. As an independent internal auditor, he deals with activities aimed at increasing the efficiency and fulfillment of legal obligations of a brokerage house. This process boils down to a systematic review, control and assessment of many different factors that make up the final effect of the brokerage house’s operations

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Gabriela Konieczna
law student, intern
+48 (22) 100 68 51
  • disputes and proceedings,
  • legal assistance for companies,

A fourth-year law student at SWPS University in Warsaw. She completed her bachelor’s degree in social policy at the University of Warsaw. During her studies, she focuses her research interests on civil procedure, company law, and tax law. She is also interested in legal issues related to combating domestic violence.

She gained experience, among others, at the Association for the Prevention of Domestic Violence “Blue Line”, where she completed numerous courses and trainings on the legal aspects of combating domestic violence. She provided legal advice during shifts at the Nationwide Emergency Service for Victims of Domestic Violence “Blue Line”.

In the Office, she is responsible for preparing legal pleadings, analyzing documents and legal researching.


2023 | Intern at the General Counsel to the Republic of Poland in Warsaw;
2020 – 2023 | Member of the Scientific Circle of Medical Law at SWPS University in Warsaw;
2017 | Volunteer at the Social Welfare Center of the Targówek District in Warsaw;
2017 | Intern at the Association for the Prevention of Domestic Violence “Blue Line”;


2020 – present | Integrated master’s studies in Law at the Faculty of Law, SWPS University in Warsaw;
2022 | Completion of bachelor’s studies in Social Policy at the Faculty of Political Science and International Studies, University of Warsaw, Warsaw. Bachelor’s thesis: “System of protection and public assistance for families experiencing domestic violence”.

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